How to Choose the Right SJS Lawyer

Lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies are complicated, especially when you are trying to recover from an adverse reaction such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS). When filing Stevens-Johnson syndrome lawsuits, lawyers must thoroughly understand pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution processes, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug testing and approval procedures, medical concepts related to SJS, and legal processes for filing dangerous drug claims. 

Pharmaceutical litigation attorneys with experience handling Stevens-Johnson syndrome cases can help you pursue financial recovery for medical treatment of SJS, lost income, and pain and suffering. However, not all pharmaceutical attorneys are created equal. Knowing how to choose the right SJS lawyer is essential for the best chance of a positive outcome.

How To Know if You Have a Strong SJS Legal Claim

A pharmaceutical lawsuit for Stevens-Johnson syndrome relies on proving the drug caused your injuries and establishing the extent of your losses. As an SJS victim, you may suffer severe pain, discomfort, and long-term disfigurement, which can severely impact your quality of life. 

SJS occurs when a victim has an adverse or allergic reaction to a drug. Victims of Stevens-Johnson syndrome can suffer significant health issues and medical emergencies due to the condition. 

If you suffer from SJS, you may experience the following flu-like symptoms:

  • Rash and skin lesions
  • Blisters and sores on mucous membranes
  • Permanent skin damage
  • Organ failure
  • Death

If you experienced the above symptoms of SJS after taking a medication without adequate warning or instruction, you could have grounds to pursue damages against the pharmaceutical manufacturer, distributor, advertiser, or retailer. 

Losses You Could Pursue in an SJS Lawsuit

Expensive and time-consuming medical treatment for SJS can affect your ability to work or engage in everyday activities. In some cases, you could require long-term care from medical professionals.

An SJS lawsuit allows you to seek compensation when you suffer losses due to a drug’s defective design, manufacturing, or warnings. A knowledgeable pharmaceutical attorney can review the facts of your case and help you understand your legal rights. 

If you have grounds to seek compensation for your losses, a knowledgeable attorney can help you gather evidence to prove your injuries, establish who was at fault, and file a claim against the responsible parties.

Advice on How To Secure the Right Representation To Get Justice

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a debilitating condition that can affect every aspect of your life. The right SJS lawyer can help you seek the compensation you deserve for the full scope of your losses. To effectively pursue SJS lawsuits, lawyers should have a track record of success, positive client reviews, and specialize in SJS claims.

Previous Track Record of Successful SJS Lawsuits

Prior success can indicate better chances for future success in SJS lawsuits. Many pharmaceutical law firms publish case results on their websites. If you cannot find related success stories on their website, do not hesitate to ask the firm to provide details about SJS lawsuits they already won. 

An attorney who has successfully handled SJS lawsuits will have a deep working knowledge of applicable laws and recent cases that could affect your claim. They will have experience handling settlement negotiations and won’t be afraid to aggressively defend your legal rights against giant international corporations and their insurance companies.

Excellent Reviews

Look for reviews and testimonials on the attorney’s website and online review pages. A well-established SJS law firm should have positive reviews from its SJS clients. If you cannot find online reviews, ask the law firm for reviews or feedback from prior SJS clients. 

While a successful attorney is a must-have, you should also seek a lawyer with happy clients. Watch for reviews highlighting the firm’s open communication, knowledge, and availability. You will feel more comfortable and confident with an attorney with a reputation for personalized, attentive representation.

Team of Lawyers With an SJS Specialized Practice

Stevens-Johnson syndrome lawsuits can be complicated. An attorney unfamiliar with an SJS lawsuit's medical and legal details can severely hamper your ability to secure fair compensation. Rather than settling for a personal injury lawyer, seek an attorney with a specific team dedicated to SJS claims. An experienced SJS lawyer gives you a better chance for a desirable outcome. 

Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs That Can Cause Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

What medications cause SJS? A wide range of substances can lead to drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Common prescription and over-the-counter drugs that can cause SJS include:

  • Anticonvulsant medications, including lamotrigine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, and phenobarbital
  • Allopurinol
  • Antibiotics, including penicillin, antimalarials, and sulfa drugs
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and aspirin

Once they understand the source of your pharmaceutical injury, a skilled pharmaceutical attorney determines who is responsible for the causative drug’s manufacture, distribution, and warnings. This information allows them to establish a personal injury case against the responsible parties. 

Contact Our Team of Expert Pharmaceutical Lawyers To File Your SJS Lawsuit

If you or someone you love suffered from Stevens-Johnson syndrome due to an over-the-counter or prescription medication, you may have legal grounds to pursue compensation. The skilled pharmaceutical attorneys at Dunn Sheehan have an entire team dedicated to drug-related SJS claims. We are committed to holding pharmaceutical giants and their distributors accountable for the injuries they cause through negligent practices. 

Contact our drug injury lawyers today to discuss your legal options. If we believe you have a case, we will work with you to gather evidence and pursue a claim against the parties responsible. Most states have a statute of limitations for filing pharmaceutical claims, so time is of the essence. Reach out to our office as soon as possible to schedule your free case evaluation.

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